OpenPlant Modeler Help

Place Elevation Callout

Used to place a callout on a support drawing displaying the coordinates of center of the supported pipe.

Accessed from:

Drawing Production ribbon group

When a support drawing is generated, the user can click the icon and select the support to display the following dialog.

Units to Display
Determines the unit of measurement to display for the elevation callout:
  • FT
  • IN
  • MM
Text X offset Determines how much the coordinate text is offset from the leader line in the X direction.
Decimal Values This value defines the precision (places to the right of decimal) to be displayed when using metric (MM) units.
Z-Correction This value determines whether the leader line places on top of a component or behind it. The default value places the leader line on top so there is no hidden lines.
Additional Text An optional field for additional descriptive text which can be added to the callout.
Once the user has made any changes necessary to the parameters in the dialog and closed it, he will be prompted to pick the center point of the pipe, which will be the anchor point for the leader line, then an additional point to place the coordinates. The elevation coordinates will be displayed as shown: